Sex Talk Pt. 19 – Why You Shouldn’t Rush Oral Sex

Often oral sex is looked at as a task. Something that people expect or request. They look at it as a way of warming up the engine. But they try to skim through it. Racing through oral sex, hoping to turn their partner on just enough to move on to the next thing. The reality is, rushing oral sex is a terrible idea, that should never be done.

When you rush oral sex the other person can often tell. Especially if they have received good oral sex in the past. If its a partner you’ve been with before, they know your style and can probably tell that you’re rushing it. That alone could be destroying the very vibes you’re trying to create. Oral sex is a journey, not a quick sprint.

When you try to just dash to the finish line and move on, it takes away from the process. It truly is a process. Its getting a person from one place to another. But don’t think of it as taking them to the corner store. Instead, think of it as taking them to the next town. I’m not saying that it needs to be a three state road trip, but it should be worthwhile. You should focus on the process and enjoy taking them through every step of it.

If you focus on them, and the process, it will become an experience. It will become something that they enjoy. Let them take a ride with you, and drive them to the land of climax. This is something they’ll remember, think back on, and probably reward you for. But the moment is where you should be. Zoning in on what you’re doing and the goal at hand. And that goal is their pleasure, not yours. So keep that in mind.

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