Why Giving Your Partner Some Tips Can Improve Your Sex Life

Sex Talk Topic 5/25/21

There’s a theme going around where people feel that their partners should be able to do everything and anything to please them in the bedroom. They feel that their partner should come fully equipped and know everything they need and want. They believe that their partner(s) should know it all and be able to do it all. Some of the people who believe this feel so adamantly about it, that they refuse to teach their partners anything that they know. Even if that means that they won’t be fully pleased. After all, why should I have to teach them how to _______?

I’d like to pose a question to those who believe they shouldn’t teach their partner anything. My question is this: Did you know that giving your partner a few tips could be the difference between you reaching your “O” and not reaching it? Allow me to ask one more. If giving your partner a few tips, can take your sex life from good to great, is it not worth it? Can is the keyword here. If your partner is in the right neighborhood, but not at the right address, you can simply point them in the right direction. If your partner is in the right city, but in the wrong neighborhood, and far from the delivery address, why not give them directions? It can make a big difference. Plus you may not have to guide them too often. Especially if they’re willing to learn.

Here’s an example that may paint a better picture. Let’s say that your partner is going down on you. They are doing a good job, but they aren’t doing so well that you’re ready to burst. They aren’t doing so well that you are squirming and moaning uncontrollably. That definitely sucks, but things don’t have to stay that way. You don’t have to relive that subpar moment over and over again. You could give them a few tips to reach the goals you both aim to accomplish and those quick tips could make a huge difference. This is especially true if they are what I like to call a long-term sex partner.

If you’re going to be intimate with this person on a regular basis, then why not help them, help you? If they are willing to learn, and aiming to please you, then what do you lose teaching them a thing or two? I’d argue that you can benefit a great deal from teaching them a few quick things. Granted, everyone doesn’t learn at the same pace, nor do they come with the same level of experience. However, if you simply need to tell them to lick a little to the left and you’ll explode in half the time, isn’t it worth it?

Honestly, it’s not rocket science. We all have different preferences, likes, and dislikes. If your partner is lacking in a certain area, or you know how to help them step their game up, then help them. It benefits you and them. Teaching them a thing they don’t know, or helping them understand how to please you better is a good strategy. It allows them to learn, and it allows you to be pleased better, quicker, more efficiently, etc. This makes things more pleasurable for both parties and it can lead to lots of great times. If they are willing to learn, and you’re seeing them regularly, then it behooves you to do so. If they aren’t learning how to please you, or if they aren’t trying to be better, or if they don’t want to appease you, then maybe you don’t need them around. But if they’re down to learn, then show them, and watch how fast things improve and how much more explosive things become.

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