Dating Someone New Pt. 1

There were all types of dates you could go on before Coronavirus hit the U.S. and we have all been on our fair share of them. Dinner dates, brunch dates, dates to museums, concerts, and all types of interesting venues. I’m sure that of all the dates you’ve been on, you had a few favorites. Well, as I sit and reminisce about past dates, I wanted to share mine with you.

Prior to Coronavirus hitting the U.S. I was a huge fan of going to the movies. I enjoyed going to the movies and I did so regularly. I had a subscription where I could go to the movies three times a week and see it in any format. That means I could see a 3D movie, a 4D movie, a movie with enhanced sound, a movie in IMAX format, and I could do so three times a week without having to pay any extra charge. Let me tell y’all, I lived in the movies! I’d be there religiously. Alone, with friends, and even with my daughter.

Whenever I had the opportunity to do so with a lady I was getting to know, I would. Some of you may think that this is an insignificant, lazy date, and I can definitely see that perspective. However, I’d like to offer another perspective. I like to use the movies as a date for multiple reasons. And, I’ve got no problem letting you in on exactly why that’s the case. All I ask is that you hear me out …

One of the reasons I enjoy going to the movies, especially with someone you’re getting to know is … it helps you get to know them. You get to learn. Yes, learn. You get to see a bunch of stuff about this person that you would not have known. You also get to see how they react and act with both personal and general things. You probably read that and thought, “How Sway?” Lol. Well, first you learn what types of movies they like to watch.

Next, you get to learn what kind of snacks they like. If you love snacks like I do, this is fun because you get to see what stuff you both like and can share or not share. You also get to see how they react to things that happen in the film. Some of their reactions will come from a personal or intimate place. Others will come from their views on general topics. Both teach you things.

The second reason I like going to the movies is strictly selfish. I like snacking! I also feel that when you can share those snacks, make it a shared experience, its more fun. More snacks and more fun are always a good thing. I like it. I know, its a bit selfish, but I dig it lol.

The next reason is the movies sort of act as a bridge to the next date. Because once we walk out the movie we enter an inquisitive second half of the date. Curiosity has formed and interesting conversations should be flowing now. What did you think of the film? Word, you liked that part? Yo, remember when she fell? That was funny right? Noteworthy things are often mentioned in those conversations. “I thought it was messed up that the government didn’t work harder to stop the spread of the virus”. “It was really funny when she fell in front of the guy she liked, but I also felt really bad for her”. These may seem like simply reactionary comments but they are glimpses of the person’s thoughts and perhaps even their belief system.

This will vary on a person by person basis, what film you saw, and how well the conversations flow. But I find this to be a great took to see how me and this lady gel. It gives us both great insight and can make the time after the movies be both informative and enjoyable. I love picking lady’s brains and seeing what they think of things. The movies gives me a bunch of topics. It may do the same for her. This allows us both to quench our curiosity, share things about ourselves, get to know the person, and more.

To recap, one movie can give you a ton of info and help you get to know this other person. Whether the movie is good or bad, happy or sad, it still works. You can have snacks, good conversation and get to know the other person better. This even works with people you aren’t trying to get to know intimately. Snacks, entertainment, good conversation, and sharing all in one night. I don’t know about you, but this was a blast for me before Coronavirus. I aim to go to the movies again when all of this is over. Maybe I’ll see you there 😁

Thanks Dad!

This week’s thought provoking quote was inspired by my dad. A few days ago we were talking about politics and current events – as we often do. When the dollar and what it is “backed by”, came up. We had an interesting conversation about what it used to be backed by, what it is now backed by, and even what we think it should be backed by.

When we say “backed by” we are referencing what the dollar is equivalent to. Many believe that the dollar is equal to a certain percentage of gold. They believe that if you have X amount of dollars than it is the same as having X amount of gold. However, this is not the case. In fact, it has not been the case for eons (exaggeration). The gold standard and the dollar are no tied together. Nixon took us off of the gold standard many moons ago. It is also said that President Kennedy was trying back the dollar by silver.

If this is true and Kennedy would have succeeded then the USD or dollar would be equal to a percentage of silver. Whether his attempts were for the greater good, or whether his attempts were merely a rumor is a discussion for another time. But this conversation with my dad brought a quote from one of our favorite movies to the forefront of my mind.

The movie Wall Street makes reference to our exact conversation. It was released in 1987 – the year I was born – and starts both Michael Douglas and a young Charlie Sheen. Oliver Stone did an amazing job with this film and it’s not only entertaining, it is informative.

I encourage you to watch the film, and perhaps I’ll speak more about this topic next week. Do you know what the dollar is backed by currently? Do you know what a dollar is worth? I’d love to hear your thoughts and see what perspective and knowledge y’all have on this.

Sex Talk

The latest Dirty Love quote comes from Megan Thee Stallion. I was at the gym listening to a playlist of mine on shuffle and on came her song, “Sex Talk”. Nearing the end of my cardio session it was refreshing to hear a song with a good tempo and a bounce. As the song played and I kicked my speed up a notch, a lyric nearly jumped out to me. I knew then and there, that this quote that resonated with me – because I like thick women too – had to be the next Dirty Love image. Shout out to Megan!


Yesterday I was at home getting ready for work. I’m in the shower, music blasting through my bluetooth speaker. I have a playlist bumping fly tunes (as I often do), and I’m enjoying myself. A song fades out and then “Bezerk” by Big Sean begins to play. It features production from Hit Boy while A$ap Ferg tag teams the track with Sean. I’m showering, lathering, scrubbing, rinsing, and then,..boom!

A line graces my ears that immediately stood out. I knew two things when I heard it. The first was that I can totally relate to this line. The second, was that I needed to share this line. When I had a minute I began a search for some images to edit and customize. That being said, here is the latest Dirty Love post.

Spread the love

I’ve uploaded all of the old Dirty Love posts that I was able to find. They are all on their own page right here on the site. This is also where all of the new Dirty Love pictures will be uploaded. On this site they will be unedited and X-Rated. To view them all simply visit the link below or hit the menu tab and then Dirty Love. I hope you enjoy the pictures of old while I work on some new ones for you all.

Back at it

Welcome to the Sexual Intellectual site. This is for first blog and the relaunch of the Dirty Love posts.

This is when we combine a raunchy lyric with a picture that’s just as titillating

For our first post of the new year, we borrow a quote from rapper and wordsmith Rick Ross.